26-27 June 2025

The Direct Support Workers Conference will empower you and your support clients to reach remarkable goals.

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Why attend Direct Support Workers Conference?

The Direct Support Workers (DSW) Conference is one of Australia’s leading conferences for support workers in the disability and mental health sectors and will be taking place on the 26th and 27th June 2025.

Now in its eighth year the DSW Conference is an opportunity for support workers to invest in their careers and enhance the quality of service for the people they support. This year’s conference is hosted by Multicap, Open Minds and Allinto. If you have never attended and are wondering how the DSW Conference could benefit you, your organisation and ultimately the people you support, here are some reasons why you should attend:

• Invest in your professional development by taking a deep dive into learning
• Upskill so you can provide outstanding support to your clients
• Keep up to date with industry trends
• Network with your industry peers
• Be inspired
• Have fun

Listen to the special DSW Conference edition of Talking Possibilities Podcast

How attending the DSW conference improved my career as a support worker:

In this episode, Multicap Group CEO, Joanne Jessop, joins our host, Rebecca, to talk about the 2023 Direct Support Workers (DSW) Conference and its benefits for support workers. The duo is also joined by Tony (Open Minds Support Worker) and Alex (Multicap Support Worker), who share some of the challenges they have faced, their career aspirations, and their thoughts about how the DSW Conference helped enhance the support they provide to people. Listen to the full episode to hear more from Tony and Alex.

To listen to more Talking Possibilities Podcast episodes, click here.

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