March 13

The power of workplace engagement

A passionate and skilled workforce is key in delivering high quality support and providing the best possible outcomes for clients. Motivated staff are an absolute gold mine in the workplace. It is important to ensure that your employees are constantly learning to build their skill set and increase their value to the organisation, and the clients they work with.

The Direct Support Workers Conference incorporates a variety of teaching techniques to get the very best out of your employees. This conference is specifically designed for support workers and includes industry-leading keynotes, hands on workshops and discussions that focus on empowering our sector to become the best version of tomorrow’s support workers.

Unfortunately, many businesses forget or hesitate to spend time and money on their employee’s development. Not offering these opportunities for growth contributes to the 80% of Australian employees who are uninspired and disengaged at work[1]. In fact, employees who do not feel they are developing in an organisation are 12 times more likely to leave it[2], and it is estimated to cost between one and four times a positions salary to replace an employee[3].

The Direct Support Workers Conference gives your employees the chance to grow professionally, develop their practical skills and meet like-minded support workers. Empowering your employees through their development not only boosts workplace engagement but can improve your chances of retaining staff for longer, enhancing your organisation’s bottom line and client satisfaction.

If you could increase employee productivity, workplace engagement and enhance your bottom line, would you?

Empower and inspire your employees at the 2024 Direct Support Workers Conference. Purchase a group of 10 registrations and receive a bulk registration discount.



[1] Phoebe Armstrong. “Employee disengagement is costing the Australian economy $211 billion per year,” AHRI, last modified September 12, 2023,  

[2] Parth Misra. “Investing in Your Employees Is the Smartest Business Decision You Can Make,” Entrepreneur, last modified June 29, 2018,

[3] Lisa Wallace. “Five Hidden Costs Of Employee Attrition,” Forbes, last modified March 21, 2023. Five Hidden Costs Of Employee Attrition (


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